31 July 2012

Who I Am

I have decided to start a blog.

In a land full of blogs about everything you can imagine, why add another one?

One word: Pinterest.

Yes, pinterest. Pinterest is the mecca for all things creative. I have learned a fair amount from Pinterest. Crafts, recipes, cleaning tips, organizational tools; the list goes on an on.

So why blog about what so many people are already blogging about? Simple. Let me give you my credentials.

1. I am a stay-at-home-mom of a 1 year old. That should be enough credential right there, but if its not, read on.

2. I am 65% organized. I am not that stay-at-home-mom who has a spotlessly clean house, plans and prepares meals a week in advance, and who manages to look simply ravishing on a daily basis. If you are THAT stay-at-home-mom, you probably aren't reading this anyway since you don't need to learn how to organize, clean and cook.

3. My husband plays hockey 2-3 nights per week. Why does that give me cred? Because that means 2-3 nights per week we are somewhere between the hockey rink and home. We are either eating as we walk out the door, eating in the car, or some form of eating in between. Couple in the fact that many nights, that's when I do my errands so I have an extra set of (adult) hands to help. We are going. CONSTANTLY.

4. My house is not spotless. See Credential Point 1.

5. I like to do crafty things. Sometimes I have grand ideas (thank you Pinterest), but I am NOT a craft goddess. Part of my motivation for writing this stems from having picked up a tip on Pinterest on how to clean my bathtub. I wondered if a normal, regular, every day person, was really capable of the achieving those same 'before' and 'after' pictures.

So hopefully, somewhere out there, there is someone like me. A mom who isn't perfect.

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