15 August 2012


Our front door has been posted NO SOLICITING as long as I can remember. Since we have had the baby, I have a rather large sign that also says, 'please do not ring the doorbell'. I think it really speaks to the literacy rate of New Mexico that on average, we get about 2 solicitors a week, and the postman consistently rings the doorbell. I am usually polite and courteous...until last Monday.

Wyatt is getting all 4 of his first molars, so he's a cranky, fussy all out PITA right now.

On Monday, we were napping on the couch (preceded by 2 hours of crying). We were both clearly exhausted. I woke up when I heard someone walking up our front path. Our front door was open, but our screen door was locked. Not expecting anyone, I transferred Wyatt to the other chair, just in time to catch a young man walk up to our door, throw a flyer on the ground, ring the doorbell and walk away.


I about flew out of the door and gave this him a piece of my mind. I was FUMING mad. Of course, the doorbell caused Wyatt to wake up (crying), so this young man was spared, for now.

I immediately got on the phone to the company listed on the flyer. Conveniently, no one answered. I am quite persistent though, and reached someone today. I was polite, but firm, and expressed my concerns. She graciously said thank you for the feedback, and she would look into it.

SO, that got me thinking. I wanted a new sign. I also wanted to post our property NO TRESPASSING. After doing some research, I found that the State of New Mexico is quite particular in its signage requirements for it to be legally binding. I made a larger version of this that conforms to the State of New Mexico standards that includes NO TRESPASSING verbiage.

In case anyone makes it past the NO TRESPASSING signs, this little beauty is now our front door decoration.

I am happy to share this with anyone if they would like a copy. I took it to FedEx Office and had it laminated for around $4.



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